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Sunday, April 24, 2011


Sunday, April 24, 2011
Science can give no assurance herein. But Buddhism can meet the Atomic Challenge, because the supramundane knowledge of Buddhism begins where science leaves off. And this is clear enough to anyone who has made a study of Buddhism. For, through Buddhist Meditation, the atomic constituents making up matter have been seen and felt, and the sorrow, or unsatisfactoriness (or Dukkha), of their "arising and pasing away" (dependent on causes )has made itself with what we call a 'soul' or 'atma'- the illusion of Sakkayaditthi, as it is called in the Buddha's teaching.

                                              -Egerton C.Baptist, "Supreme Science of the Buddha"

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Buddha does not demand belief

The Buddha has not merely awakened to the supreme reality: he also presents his higher.
knowledge that is superior to that of  "all gods and men" most clearly and free from all mythological disguise and mythical clothing. here, How-ever, it is given in so cogent a form that it presents itself as positively and self-evident to the person who is able to follow him . For this reason the Buddha dose not demand any belief, but promises Knowledge.

                                                                           -George Grimm, " The doctrine of the Buddha"

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Friday, April 22, 2011

Gods need salvation

Friday, April 22, 2011
For the frist time in human history the buddha admonished, entreated and appealed to people not to hurt a living being, not to offer prayer or praise or sacrifice to gods. With all the eloquence at his command the exalted one vehemently proclaimed that gods are also in dire need of salvation themselves.

Prof. Rhys Davids

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A great battle

Wednesday, April 20, 2011
The whole universe is a vast field of battle. Everywhere there is fighting. Existence is not-hing but a vain struggle against germs of dreadful diseases, molecules against molecules, atoms against atoms, and electrons against electrons. Mind is still more a scene of battle. Forms, sound, tastes etc. are resultants of counteracting and belligerent forces. The very existence of war proves that there is a state of perfect Peace. it is what we call Bibbana.

                               -Ven. Narada Thera, "The Budhisatta Ideal"

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Fortunate Buddhist

Wednesday, April 13, 2011
How fortunate are the humble followers of the Buddha who have not inherited the fallacy of infallibility of any revealed book from the very beginning.

-Ven. Prof. Ananda Kaushalyayana

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